Sante Oriens: Comprehensive Check-Up Services and Thermal Healing Vacations in Turkey

Experience comprehensive health check-ups in Turkey’s most advanced hospitals with Sante Oriens. Enhance your health with our thermal hotels renowned for their healing waters. Invest in your health while enjoying a unique vacation.

At Sante Oriens, we merge our health services with your vacation plans. Our comprehensive check-up services are meticulously performed by expert doctors in Turkey’s most advanced hospitals. These check-ups encompass all aspects of your health, allowing you to safeguard your health and identify potential issues at an early stage. Following your check-up, we offer the opportunity to stay in our thermal hotels renowned for their healing waters. These thermal waters are rich in natural minerals and vitamins that support your body’s overall health and recovery process. With Sante Oriens, you invest in your health while also enjoying a unique vacation experience. By integrating our check-up and vacation services, we enable you to utilize your time in the most efficient way.

Customized Program for You

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Make the Choice That’s Right for You

This a luxurious treatment and holiday program for two, prepared by our professional team, lasting 10 days. This program is a perfect opportunity to spend quality time together.

You extend your holiday as long as you want, and considering the treatment processes of your friends, you can prepare your own personal program. Let’s create the most suitable plan for you together.

Everything Check-Up

Check-up refers to a general health control and consists of a series of tests and examinations conducted to assess an individual’s overall health status. The purpose of a check-up is to detect potential health issues at an early stage and take preventive measures, as well as to evaluate the individual’s current health status.

The check-up process usually begins with a physical examination. The doctor reviews the patient’s medical history and gathers information about their general health status. This is followed by various laboratory tests. These could be blood tests, urine tests, imaging tests (such as X-rays or ultrasound), and other specialized tests. The scope of the tests depends on the individual’s age, gender, medical history, and lifestyle.

Following the check-up, the doctor typically prepares a report about the patient’s overall health status. This report is an important tool for the early diagnosis and treatment of any health issues. Additionally, the doctor usually provides the patient with recommendations about lifestyle changes or treatment options.

The of check-ups usually vary depending on age, gender, health status, and risk factors. Here are some common types of check-ups:

General Check-Up: Includes a standard set of tests and examinations to assess general health status.
Women’s Health Check-Up: Designed to assess the specific health needs of women. It may include special tests like breast and cervical cancer screenings.
Men’s Health Check-Up: Designed to assess the specific health needs of men. It may include special tests like prostate cancer screening.
Child Health Check-Up: Includes a series of tests and examinations to monitor the growth and development of children.
Elderly Check-Up: Designed to assess the specific health needs of older individuals. It may include special tests like osteoporosis screening or dementia testing.
Cardiovascular Check-Up: Includes a series of tests and examinations to assess heart and vascular health.
Diabetes Check-Up: Includes a series of tests and examinations to assess and manage diabetes risk.
Cancer Check-Up: Includes a series of tests and examinations to detect various types of cancer at an early stage.

Each of these types is specifically designed to assess a particular health condition or risk factor. The doctor decides which type of check-up is appropriate based on the individual’s age, gender, health history, and lifestyle.

Check-up is important for assessing general health status and detecting potential health issues at an early stage. Therefore, it’s recommended that everyone undergo regular check-ups. However, it’s particularly important for certain individuals to have check-ups:

Individuals aged 40 and over: As age advances, the risk of various health issues increases. Therefore, it’s recommended that individuals aged 40 and over have regular check-ups.
Those with a chronic disease: Individuals with chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, heart disease need to regularly monitor their condition.
Those with a family history: Individuals with a family history of certain diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes are advised to have regular check-ups.
Those with risky lifestyles: Smokers, heavy alcohol consumers, those with obesity or those with irregular diets should have regular check-ups.
Those with symptoms: Individuals with persistent fatigue, weight loss, pain or other symptoms should have a check-up.

While these groups are especially at risk, it’s important for everyone to undergo regular general health checks. This helps to detect and treat potential health issues at an early stage.

A Check-Up consists of a series of tests and examinations conducted to assess an individual’s overall health status. This type of check-up typically includes a series of standard tests such as:

Physical Examination: The doctor reviews the patient’s general health status and checks vital signs. This includes blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature, and respiratory rate.
Blood Tests: Usually include complete blood count, biochemical profile, liver function tests, kidney function tests, lipid profile (cholesterol levels), diabetes screening, and thyroid function tests.
Urine Analysis: Used to detect kidney diseases, urinary tract infections, and some metabolic conditions.
Imaging Tests: Doctors may recommend X-rays, ultrasound or other imaging tests when necessary.
Electrocardiogram (EKG): Measures the electrical activity of the heart and can detect signs of heart disease.
Cancer Screenings: Depending on age and gender, specific cancer screenings such as mammography (breast cancer), colonoscopy (colorectal cancer), PAP smear (cervical cancer), or PSA test (prostate cancer) may be recommended.

These tests are important for assessing the individual’s overall health status and detecting potential health issues at an early stage. The results help the doctor evaluate the patient’s health status and create a treatment plan if necessary.

A’s Health Check-Up consists of a series of tests and examinations designed specifically for the unique health needs of women. This type of check-up typically includes a series of standard tests such as:

Physical Examination: The doctor reviews the patient’s general health status and checks vital signs. This includes blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature, and respiratory rate.
Gynecological Examination: An examination conducted to assess women’s reproductive health. This usually includes a pelvic examination and a Pap smear test.
Breast Examination and Mammogram: Used for breast cancer screening.
Blood Tests: Usually include complete blood count, biochemical profile, liver function tests, kidney function tests, lipid profile (cholesterol levels), diabetes screening, and thyroid function tests.
Bone Density Test: Used to assess the risk of osteoporosis.
Imaging Tests: Doctors may recommend ultrasound or other imaging tests when necessary.

These tests are important for assessing women’s overall health status and detecting potential health issues at an early stage. The results help the doctor evaluate the patient’s health status and create a treatment plan if necessary.

A’s Health Check-Up consists of a series of tests and examinations designed specifically for the unique health needs of men. This type of check-up typically includes a series of standard tests such as:

Physical Examination: The doctor reviews the patient’s general health status and checks vital signs. This includes blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature, and respiratory rate.
Prostate Health Assessment: A Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) test is conducted to assess the risk of prostate cancer.
Testicular Examination: An examination conducted to assess the risk of testicular cancer.
Blood Tests: Usually include complete blood count, biochemical profile, liver function tests, kidney function tests, lipid profile (cholesterol levels), diabetes screening, and thyroid function tests.
Heart Health Assessment: Heart health is assessed with an electrocardiogram (EKG) and further heart tests if necessary.
Bone Density Test: Used to assess the risk of osteoporosis.

These tests are important for assessing men’s overall health status and detecting potential health issues at an early stage. The results help the doctor evaluate the patient’s health status and create a treatment plan if necessary.

A Health Check-Up consists of a series of tests and examinations designed to monitor the growth and development of children and detect potential health issues at an early stage. This type of check-up typically includes a series of standard tests such as:

Physical Examination: The doctor reviews the child’s general health status and checks vital signs. This includes height, weight, head circumference (for infants and young children), blood pressure, and other physical characteristics.
Developmental Assessment: The child’s motor skills, language and speech skills, social and emotional development, and cognitive skills are evaluated.
Vision and Hearing Tests: The child’s vision and hearing abilities are checked.
Vaccinations: The child’s vaccinations are updated.
Blood Tests: Usually include a complete blood count and some other tests.
Nutritional Assessment: The child’s eating habits are reviewed, and nutritional advice is given if necessary.

These tests are important for assessing children’s overall health status and detecting potential health issues at an early stage. The results help the doctor evaluate the child’s health status and create a treatment plan if necessary.

Thely Check-Up consists of a series of tests and examinations designed specifically for the unique health needs of older individuals. Such a check-up generally includes a series of standard tests as follows:

Physical Examination: The doctor reviews the patient’s overall health status and checks vital signs. This includes blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature, and respiratory rate.
Heart Health Assessment: Heart health is assessed with an electrocardiogram (EKG) and more advanced heart tests if necessary.
Blood Tests: Typically includes a complete blood count, biochemical profile, liver function tests, kidney function tests, lipid profile (cholesterol levels), diabetes screening, and thyroid function tests.
Bone Density Test: Used to assess the risk of osteoporosis.
Vision and Hearing Tests: These tests are important as there may be a decline in vision and hearing abilities with age.
Cognitive Assessment: An evaluation is done for memory problems or symptoms of dementia.

These tests are crucial for assessing the overall health status of elderly individuals and detecting potential health issues at an early stage. The results assist the doctor in evaluating the patient’s health status and creating a treatment plan if necessary.

Thevascular Check-Up consists of a series of tests and examinations designed to assess your heart and vascular health. This type of check-up typically includes a series of standard tests as follows:

Physical Examination: The doctor reviews your overall health status and checks your vital signs. This includes blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature, and respiratory rate.
Electrocardiogram (EKG): The EKG measures the electrical activity of the heart and shows your heart rhythm, heart rate, and whether the electrical activity in any part of your heart is different from normal.
Stress Test: This test is usually performed with an exercise on a treadmill or bicycle. During the test, your doctor monitors your heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure.
Blood Tests: Typically includes a complete blood count, biochemical profile, lipid profile (cholesterol levels), and diabetes screening.
Imaging Tests: If deemed necessary, your doctor may recommend an echocardiogram, cardiac MRI, or other imaging tests.

These tests are important for assessing your heart and vascular health and detecting potential health issues at an early stage. The results assist your doctor in evaluating your health status and creating a treatment plan if necessary.

The Check-Up consists of a series of tests and examinations designed to assess your diabetes risk and manage your existing diabetes. This type of check-up typically includes a series of standard tests as follows:

Physical Examination: The doctor reviews your overall health status and checks your vital signs. This includes blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature, and respiratory rate.
Blood Sugar Tests: Tests such as fasting blood sugar test and HbA1c test measure your blood sugar levels.
Lipid Profile: This test measures your cholesterol and triglyceride levels. High cholesterol levels are more common in people with diabetes and can increase the risk of heart disease.
Kidney Function Tests: Diabetes can increase the risk of kidney disease, so your doctor will likely perform a series of tests to check how well your kidneys are working.
Eye Examination: Diabetes can affect your eye health, so regular eye examinations are important.
Foot Examination: Foot problems are common in people with diabetes, so your doctor will likely check your feet.

These tests are important for assessing your diabetes risk and managing your existing diabetes. The results assist your doctor in evaluating your health status and creating a treatment plan if necessary.

Cancer Check-Up consists of a series of tests and examinations designed to detect various types of cancer at an early stage. Such a check-up typically includes a series of standard tests as follows:

Physical Examination: The doctor reviews your general health status and checks your vital signs. This includes blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature, and respiratory rate.
Blood Tests: Complete blood count, biochemical profile, and other tests that measure specific cancer markers are performed.
Imaging Tests: Tests such as mammography, colonoscopy, CT scan, or other imaging tests can be used to detect certain types of cancer.
Biopsy: If your doctor finds an abnormal growth or lesion in a specific area, they may perform a biopsy. This means taking a sample of abnormal cells for examination in the laboratory.
Genetic Tests: If certain types of cancer are common in your family, your doctor may recommend genetic tests. These tests examine your genes to determine your susceptibility to certain cancers.

These tests are important for detecting various types of cancer at an early stage. The results help your doctor evaluate your health status and create a treatment plan if necessary.

Examinations (6 Tests)

Internal Medicine Examination
Oral and Dental Health Examination
General Surgery Examination
Obstetrics and Gynecology Examination
Eye Examination
Cardiology Examination

Radiological Examinations (7 Tests)

Lung gr. one-way
Digital Mammography Bilateral
Dental Panoramic Graph
Regional bone density measurement
Breast US
Thyroid US
Whole Abdomen US

Cardiological Examination (7 Tests)

ECG, minimum 12 derivations
Transthoracic Echocardiography (Doppler+colored)
Treadmill Stress Test

Pathological Examination (3 Tests)

Cervical or vaginal cytology, with liquid-based thin layer technology (Thin-Prep) technique

Gynecological Examinations (1 Test)

Smear Collection

Laboratory Examinations (34 Tests)

AFP – Alpha Fetoprotein Test
CA 125
CA 15-3
CA 19-9,
CRP, HS (sensitive)

Examinations (5 Tests)

Internal Medicine Examination
Oral and Dental Health Examination
Urology Examination
Eye Examination
Cardiology Examination

Radiological Examinations (4 Tests)

Lung gr. one-way
Dental Panoramic Graph
Thyroid US
Whole Abdomen US

Cardiological Examinations (3 Tests)

ECG, minimum 12 derivations
Transthoracic Echocardiography (Doppler+colored)
Treadmill Stress Test

Laboratory Examinations (41 Tests)

CA 19-9

Examinations (4 Tests)

Oral and Dental Health Examination
Eye Examination
Ear Nose Throat Examination
Pediatric Examination

Radiological Examinations (3 Tests)

Lung gr. one-way
Dental Panoramic Graph
Whole Abdomen US

ENT Examinations (1 Test)

Tympanometric Examination

Laboratory Examinations (14 Tests)


There many advantages of a Check-Up:

Early Diagnosis: Check-Up helps to detect potential health issues at an early stage. This allows for diseases to be treated more successfully and less invasively.
Prevention: Check-Up can help prevent diseases through lifestyle changes or preventive medications.
Increasing Health Awareness: Check-Up provides more information about one’s own health. This can lead to healthier lifestyle choices.
Personalized Care: Check-Up results help your doctor create a personalized health plan for you.
Reducing Health Costs: Early diagnosis and prevention of diseases can reduce health costs in the long run.
Peace of Mind: Knowing that you are healthy provides great peace and relaxation. If there is a health issue, it can be treated quickly and effectively thanks to early diagnosis.
Long and Healthy Life: Regular check-ups help you maintain a long and healthy life.

While-Ups have many advantages, there are also some potential disadvantages:

Misleading Results: In some cases, tests can give misleading results. This can lead to unnecessary worry or unnecessary treatments.
Over Screening: Too frequent health screenings can lead to unnecessary exposure to radiation, especially if the screenings involve radiological imaging.
Cost: Check-Ups are generally expensive and not all insurance plans may cover such screenings.
Time Consuming: It can take time to perform a comprehensive Check-Up and it can sometimes be stressful.
False Positives: Tests can sometimes give false positive results, leading to unnecessary worry and additional tests.
False Negatives: Tests can also give false negative results, which could miss a problem that actually exists.

Despite these potential disadvantages, regular health screenings are generally considered an important tool for overall health management. You should always discuss with your doctor which screenings are appropriate for you.

There many advantages of having a Check-Up with Sante Oriens:

Personalized Service: Sante Oriens takes into account each client’s individual health needs and goals. This means creating a personalized Check-Up plan for each client.
Expertise: Sante Oriens works with doctors and health professionals who are experts in their field. This ensures clients receive the highest quality service.
Convenience: Sante Oriens makes the process as comfortable and stress-free as possible by bringing Check-Up services to the client’s place of stay.
Comprehensive Service: Sante Oriens offers a variety of Check-Up options, from general health screenings to specific screenings to check for certain conditions or diseases.
Health and Vacation Combined: Sante Oriens combines Check-Up services with holiday plans, allowing clients to make the most efficient use of their time.
24/7 Support: Sante Oriens offers 24/7 support to its clients. This means you always have someone who can help if you have any questions or concerns.
Transparency: Sante Oriens provides complete transparency in all its services. This ensures that clients are always informed about the process and understand what to expect.

Attention: This is for informational purposes only, always consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment.